Oct 8, 2017

Real Magic

The sky was ominous that day
A portent for the natural destruction
That would topple a power line in the mountains
And turn our friend's labored storytelling into
A type of ghost story
We used our modern appliances
To illuminate your garden
To play music that drowned out the violent nature beyond
Lattice protected in climbing ivys
Sheltered us from the winds that brewed
With us in the cauldron
We listened to a tail of woe so alien to my ears
That when at last he finished my hands found his
And my eyes met his
And I offered words of thanks
Gratitude that he felt safe enough to share
We sat around a tabletop littered affectionately with the spoils of pleasure
Rolling papers and lighters and a dusting of tobacco and weed
Bottles emptied of their spirits
And then the song played
The song that would lift us all from our seats
And we danced
We danced like no one was watching
But we did watch each other, did we not?
For a few songs this went on until our friend made a polite exit into
The still dark early morning
And it was only moments after that you led me to your room
Few words were exchanged
Perhaps because nothing needed to be said
We both already knew
So much good humor already shared
Trust and understanding accumulated in genuine conversations
Afternoons languishing in the sun
Shared spliffs and quaffs and meals
And then at last this perfectly magical night brought us alone together in the dark
There was an unspoken knowledge
We found each other's edges and they interlocked like puzzle pieces
Shifting together
Breathing labored but rhythmic
Love overflowing
Spilling out onto the sheets
And into my dreams which came so easily
Wrapped up in your space
Folded carefully together into a tiny bed
Until morning came
And the magic still present in the room
Was hidden when the light and power returned
A truly supernatural connection
That shone brightly on the eerie night to illuminate a darkly electric evening
I left your bedside knowing
We had performed sorcery that night

The Idea of You

I remember every detail of that first night
When you turned your full attention on me
My surroundings blurred into the background
Your caramel eyes shone
As your intention revealed itself
I was caught in your enchanting spell

That night, there would be
Glittering plankton illuminating our waking reverie
Moonlight dancing on our skin
Eyes beaming as we relished in seeing each other
In both the physical and philosophical sense
We swam in that dark night in the Aegean Sea
Approaching one another's mystery
Pausing to catch our breath just outside the gate

More nights with you and
I remember how
You sang so sweetly to me
Spellbinding me with your stories
Lips painted with red and a trace of blue glitter
Changing dresses
Multilingual flirtation
Filling all the plates on a buffet of both intellectual and fetishist desires
You reawakened my instincts to hunt

I let you work your magic on me
I wanted it
I wanted your magic
To dose myself on your potent remedy
To feast upon your flesh with a Dionysian appetite
Your magic was sadly
Not what I imagined it would be
Quite early on I got the sense that our story
Would be a tragedy

Looking back, one can see plainly
The foreshadowing was more than obvious
But I was blinded by hormones
Blinded by your enchantments
Transfixed by your steady, heady gaze

I was so intoxicated that I
Prostrated myself and ignored my own needs
To accommodate the particularity of your situation
Accepted your inaccessibility
And remained hopelessly oblivious as the warning signs began to appear

Then one night early on in our exchange
I walked into a dangerous scene
We were drunk when you put a strap in my hand
Asked me to restrain you
And slipped on a blindfold

I'm sure you already warned me
About this pattern of behavior
And your aftermath
Before I myself became a player in your production
Still the blindness

I am so grateful for my instincts that night
You willed me to abuse your body
Enthusiastic consent tasted so sweet
With the utmost of self-control
I revealed only a brief glimpse of my inner sadist
You were warned previously that this was not a simple task for me
That the aftercare is special for repentant sadists
But I choked on the bitter fruit of its absence
And later on your shaming of me for needing it
This scene became the site of our undoing
The beginning of the end

You characterized my earnest and most heartfelt needs
As demanding praise
You punished my tender female masculinity
Worst of all
You insulted me in the way that hurt the most
By telling me it wasn't enough
Perhaps that should have been the end of the story
But I refused to see reality

I continued to abuse myself for your attention
While you continued to deny me access
To see me
To accept my compliments
To let me cook for you or buy you dinner
To leave gifts at your doorstep
Yet still wanting me close to you
To walk you home at night
To sleep in your bed
To hold you and never ask for more
Amazingly I gave you everything you asked
And you still didn't want me
You began to seem
Rather impossible to please
And the more you avoided me and withheld
The more I compromised my needs

At last we were able to reconcile that fateful night
And you told me then that it was done
In more ways than one
And yet somehow I found a shred of optimistic hope
In the closeness we shared for those final days
On that mountainous island
Walking hand in hand
Climbing and photography
Dining and sitting close
Dancing together and having fun

It all meant so much to me
You even bought me a very special gift
A charm that still pitifully makes me dizzy
For thinking of you now
Like a horcrux
(I need to get rid of it but I have not yet)
But that final night when I walked you home
I at last had to walk out the doorway of my illusions
I asked you for hope
And of course you withheld
So I left you there to begin my journey home
To return to myself alone

It was not quite over though
You had one final stone to cast
Just in case I had any lasting good impressions
You made sure to give my heart one last stab
Apparently I was too familiar in social media chat
Speaking too frankly
Too late
How dare I bother you with my feelings after all that has passed?!
You were so hurtful
You told me we are not that close
Your tone so condescending I gagged on it

And even after all of that
I have been unable to relieve myself of you
To rid myself of this burden of psychodramatic warfare
When I really let myself think of all these painful scenes
And even your passive aggressive instagram memes
For which you later accused and unfollowed me for doing
All the while it was you who was truly mean
Oh the crippling irony!

So I process and I process
I can see this pattern clearly playing out
Through my romantic history
This clinging to past dreams
When clearly they have disintegrated completely
And at last my moment of clarity
Came to me just this morning
I finally see exactly what I have been doing to myself

Somewhere in my mind remains the naïve hope
That the person I thought I met
Is still in there
That our friendship could survive
That all of these innumerable offenses can somehow be rationalized
And my idea of you
My idea of what we could have together would be realized

Alas I think that ship has sailed into the sunset
Past the fisherman who sold fish we would never eat together
Away from the bus stop we saw being vandalized
Beyond Sappho's Face and the mountain we climbed together
Across the Aegean
Smuggling away my idea of you
Leaving wakes that could cause a man to lose himself at sea
