A portent for the natural destruction
That would topple a power line in the mountains
And turn our friend's labored storytelling into
A type of ghost story
We used our modern appliances
To illuminate your garden
To play music that drowned out the violent nature beyond
Lattice protected in climbing ivys
Sheltered us from the winds that brewed
With us in the cauldron
We listened to a tail of woe so alien to my ears
That when at last he finished my hands found his
And my eyes met his
And I offered words of thanks
Gratitude that he felt safe enough to share
We sat around a tabletop littered affectionately with the spoils of pleasure
Rolling papers and lighters and a dusting of tobacco and weed
Bottles emptied of their spirits
And then the song played
The song that would lift us all from our seats
And we danced
We danced like no one was watching
But we did watch each other, did we not?
For a few songs this went on until our friend made a polite exit into
The still dark early morning
And it was only moments after that you led me to your room
Few words were exchanged
Perhaps because nothing needed to be said
We both already knew
So much good humor already shared
Trust and understanding accumulated in genuine conversations
Afternoons languishing in the sun
Shared spliffs and quaffs and meals
And then at last this perfectly magical night brought us alone together in the dark
There was an unspoken knowledge
We found each other's edges and they interlocked like puzzle pieces
Shifting together
Breathing labored but rhythmic
Love overflowing
Spilling out onto the sheets
And into my dreams which came so easily
Wrapped up in your space
Folded carefully together into a tiny bed
Until morning came
And the magic still present in the room
Was hidden when the light and power returned
A truly supernatural connection
That shone brightly on the eerie night to illuminate a darkly electric evening
I left your bedside knowing
We had performed sorcery that night
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